Miss UPRA 2025
Syndilyn Maguglin
Syndilyn Maguglin, of Utopia, Texas is a sixth-generation rancher and first-generation college student, attending Sul Ross State University in Alpine, Texas. She is a senior majoring in Natural Resource Management and is a volunteer firefighter. Syndilyn’s proudest accomplishments includes representing the U.S.A. in Flight archery, where she is a 4X world champion flight archer; and being Miss Rodeo Texas Teen 2022. Syndilyn enjoys leading Bible study, working cattle, hunting, fishing and all things rodeo. As Miss UPRA, Syndilyn is a light to others spreading her platform, “Mindset Matters”, and serving God while representing the greatest sport on dirt.
Miss Teen UPRA 2025
Ronica Norwood
Ronica Norwood, “Roni,” is the 15 year old daughter of Dee and Josh Mayes of Bogata, Tx and Jase and Beth Norwood Of Benton, La. Not only was Roni born into a rodeo family being a 4th generation member of the UPRA, but also following in her 2 older sisters footsteps to become Miss Teen UPRA. She has a love for rodeo and rodeo queening. She is an active member of the National Little Britches Rodeo Association where she has qualified for National Finals in goat tying the last 2 years.
Roni is a student at Northhills Private School and a member of Double R Cowboy Church of Clarksville. She enjoys meeting people everywhere she goes. In her spare time she can be found learning different makeup skills and spending time with family and friends. Roni has taken several years of dance and was invited to dance at Disney and received private lessons from the choreographer of “Mary Poppins”.
Roni has big plans for the year representing the rodeo association her family calls “home”. Romans 12:21 “Do not be over come by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Have a blessed year everyone and see you down the road.
Rodeo Committees, Stock Contractors, Sponsors, etc interested in booking Miss UPRA or for questions about the pageant, contact UPRA Queen Director Linda Chase at 903.850.7247
Miss UPRA Sponsors