September 26, 27, 2025

October 16, 17, 18, 2025

OVER $360,000.00 CASH & PRIZES



1.      Walk Up Replacement policy – The UPRA and/or a representative may replace TO’s, DR’s, VIR’s, and DOs prior to each performance. The secretary shall check NextGen for list of contestants turned out of performance of said rodeo. Contestants who desire to compete as an alternate must check in physically with rodeo secretary no later than 2 hours prior to the performance. The rodeo stock contractor may cancel the replacement option if no member has requested replacement within 2 hours of performance. If more than one (1) position is being replaced within a performance, the order of each replacement will be determined by random draw. A current member that did not enter the rodeo may request to compete as an alternate if they are in good standing. Members that did not enter the rodeo will be placed at the bottom of the list of alternates eligible to compete. It is the responsibility of the contestant to check in, and pay fees with the rodeo secretary no later than hours prior to the performance they wish to compete in. All fines must be cleared before a member is allowed to be placed on the alternate list.

A.      Walk Up Replacement is for performance only, there is no walk-up replacement in the slack option. There cannot be any additional positions created to accommodate a contestant, walk-up replacement is strictly for the TO’s, DR’s, VIR’s, and DO’s spots.

B.      Walk Up Replacement MUST be listed as an option in the ground rules of rodeo information as listed at official publication of UPRA. www.urodeo.com

C.     There will be an additional fee of $20 in addition to the regular posted event fees. Ten dollars ($10) will go to the rodeo stock contractor and ten dollars ($10) will go to the rodeo secretary.

D.     The walk-up replacement contestant will be placed in the same position as the TO’s, DR’s, VIR’s, and Do’s had in position draw with exception of the barrel racing event, walk up replacement will be placed last on ground.

E.      A contestant must be placed into performance by the rodeo secretary through the NextGen entry, otherwise contestant points will not count toward official event standings.

Anyone abusing the walk-up replacement policy to gain favor may be disqualified.



Please pay attention to anychanges in the entry system, if you enter and receive a draw number, you will be resposnible for fees reguardless of no show or of turnout notification; with exception of med/vet out. Contestant will be granted 3 med/vet out per year.


If the contestant is placed into a performance or slack and given a draw number, they will be responsible for paying their entry fee.

If the contestant selects “out” as their second or third preference and does not receive a draw number into their selected performance/slack preferences, they will be drawn out of the rodeo and will not be responsible for paying any fees or fines. The contestant should be attentive to the second and third preferences and what is selected. The contestant is responsible for using the “out” preference accurately and will not be put back into the rodeo due to contestant error or oversight


Contestants are entitled to 2 Vet and 2 Doctor Releases per year, finals rodeo not included. Contestants may not compete for 5 days from the date of Doctor Release. Contestants using a doctor’s release will be disqualified from all rodeos in said weekend, from the time Doctors release is used for. Doctor/Vet release must be in the office within 7 days following rodeo it is used for. Doctor and/or Vet Release must have contestant name and name of the rodeo listed, you may hand write the name and rodeo on the release if the doctor or vet does not. For Vet release must have name of animal on it. It is the contestant’s responsibility to make sure the office receives the release, failure to do so will void the doctor/vet release.

If Contestant turns out you will be responsible for entry fees and fine, the fine is $25 plus fees for slack performances and the fine is $100 plus fees if you turn out in a performance.

The UPRA has approved steer roping as additional event, it will be in conjuction with the Lone Star Steer Ropers Association. UPRA Steer Roping Finals will be held with the LSSRA. Rodeos interested in steer roping should contact their stock contractor for additional information.

Information on the NextGen Rodeo App from the team at NextGen Rodeo.

Information on Big Tex Championship Rodeo Series , State Fair of Texas , Committee Championships


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Email: upra@aol.com
(903) 873-6692

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Over 6.5 Million

Dollars Paid out in